Sunday 17 December 2023

Thoughts about Jakarta : How to stop it sinking 101 .

Jakarta should become Vegetarian or VEGAN .

Jakarta should use BiC lighters and save the used BiC lighters for shoring up the island .

We should explore underneath the island , not by digging but by diving around and under , using submersible craft .

Jakarta should not develop too big a city- or urban - spread . There should be more green space and trees and forests and parks .

Thursday 7 October 2021

Invitation to my Twitter site .

 I have made many good posts to . On that platform I may be found at @Christ1233X .

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Government Decision 12 : 00 AM 1st of September 2021 . Regarding police competency .

I require police to have at least nurse level competency if they make an arrest and cutodianship of a citizen of Australia . 

This decision follows on from the alarming way police have dealt with persons in the past : Regarding Aboriginal deaths in custody , which has increased . And the way that police have dealt with mentally ill and sick people .

 Yesterday evenning I was stopped by police on the street as I was walking along to the ATM . I was not wearing a face mask . I waved to them and greeted as I was approaching and they said mumbled replies . There were four of them . One officer , whom looked like Toby Green , asked why I was not wearring a face mask . I replied that I have already been through ' infection ' with Co-Vid and Corona , and he said getting Co-Vid does not protect you from getting Co-Vid again . Then he invited me to a mask and to wear it . I said ' O. K. ' . HETHEN proceeded to ask my details and look me up on his woirk issue mobile phone . HETHEN said " I'll give you a warning this time but if you have already been given a warning in the past then we will issue a fine for AU$200 " .

I call this incident illegal police malpractice .

I recall that in the 1980s police were not a seperate arm of the community and that police knew the locals and made themselves available to the community . They said hello and replied cheerfully when we children greeted them in their' spank clean uniforms . They also clearly identified their full names when they spoke to you and introduced them selves . Also they never prevented you from breathing .

Sunday 26 July 2020

The irony of face masks in Victoria , Australia .

The mandatory wearing of Face Masks in Victoria , Australia and the furor against those not complying shows the sad reality of the Saxon blood heritage we live with here . Just a few years ago we had the controversy and furor about Muslims wearing hijab and durma coverring their faces . The " low class " " public " were up in arms and even abusing Muslims on the street for wearing hijab or durma or burka . And so God has turned the tide again . The sad reality of the Sacon race is that they are a war - like people . They are berseerkers . A little crazy and very violent . That is Australia , folks .

Friday 29 March 2019

The Liberal Party will be out at the next election

They have gone too far .
The issue of Parents Next : My opinion is that parenting is a full time job . Let parents do the parenting .
