Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Imagine a land where fair is fair

In a land not too far away in my imagination;
we do not use coins or notes. We have no money. We get what we need and seek. We get gifts of lifes' essentials. The Law is made to measure. And all have fair weighted say as to how they live. There is no judgement only reason for reasons. There is no violence. No bad feelings. There is no probate. Only what is fair. We greet each other with faith and good will. Effort is rewarded with kindness and grace. We are Good to each other.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Treatise on the reality of good governance

Diatribe: I did not vote for the Liberal party of Australia. Why should they have any say as to what I am able to be, do, or observe. I do not like the Liberal party of Australia, I do not believe in what they say, I do not believe they are honest or capable of Governance. So why should I submit to "them".
My choice is that I live with my Mom and Dad and Love them as best as I am able. They are not ideal but they are good. I know and Love them. I trust them as best as I am able (with reservation). They are my parental Government.
As far as making laws for how a religion such as the Catholic Church should be run; I think they are over-reaching.
The state governments laws allowing abortion and euthanasia are sad and terrifying.
Nursing homes are frightening and sad. The end of dignity and a life.
I chose where I shop, which stores I go to and I chose who governs me. I chose my Life, I live my Life and they do not live my Life. I Live in the Free World.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

My opinion on the proposal to use electronic, mobile and computer information in legal cases.

IMHO, the "government" has no right to use personal usage data in cases where the data has no bearing on the charge. Privacy is a right.

My opinion on mandatory vaccination

IMHO, vaccination should not be lawful. Vaccines cause the diseases they are meant to protect against. The cause of most disease and illness is sexual immorality and carnivoury including milk and eggs.